Mystery Porn Games

Found: 34
Gamers (of Mystery Porn Games) are synonymous with masturbators, not because they play games per se, but because the lifestyle they lead and the hobbies they like usually come with a price -- that price is being socially inept and failing to acquire the one achievement which they can never achieve in any video game ever: Getting a real girlfriend. Not all gamers out there fit this profile, but most of them do and they`re usually pretty familiar with geek culture shit like Anime, super ironic deep-fried memes, and others. I have never been one for watching animated or 3D CGI chicks gettingfucked by animated or 3D CGI dicks. This is the same reason I never got into Mystery Porn Games... it`s too far from the real thing for my tastes. Finally, I really like that the Mystery Porn Games are categorized. Not only are they categorized, but they are categorized in four different ways. This means that when I check out all the best games underbest Favorites, I can move onto the best games underTop-Rated. There`s some overlap, but I actually liked having these options to check out new games that I know are the testicle tonic of the crop. The site`s selection of categories is smart too.

My Last Year

18 June 22

New college themed adventure is here and pretty much all that you need to start is to pick your characterand then you will be free to perform a whole bunch of various choices which you would probably never do in the real life and which will provide you with a ton of sexual consequences (which is probably also the thing that is not happening in real life). Make this last year your best year!

Cummy Curse - Part 1

5 September 22

They were in for a thrilling and spicy adventure at every corner. They explored historic labyrinths, learned historic mysteries, and encountered hostile entities that attempted to stop them. But in spite of everything, they persisted in exploring the House of Izh Secrets and grew closer to one another in the process. Together, they started to see the world from fresh perspectives and to see all the loose ends in this intricate web of fate. Their collaboration developed into friendship and support for one another.

Haunted House Sleepover

15 November 22

What once has started as a stupid joke later has turned into hobby - when your close friends challenged you to spend a night at haunted house you agreed since you have never believed in ghosts. You have pulled this trick for a few times since then but do you really assume that your luck of escaping the supernatural is endless? Ofcourse not! But this is the part of the story that you will have to live through by yourself...

Sensual Haunting

23 November 22

The main character in this interactive game assumes the role of a good ghost who passed away in extremely enigmatic circumstances. Since then, twenty years have passed, and he has continued to reside in the previous home. You lost half of your strength ten years ago when Natalya, the current occupant, sought to drive out supernatural forces. Before a family moved in one day, no one else had expressed an interest in the house for a very long time. She turned out to be strange and is made up of the mother, the father, and the daughter.

Secret Lovemaking Mansion

12 April 18

Welcome into the Older Mansion. Mansion that's filled with dark spots, secrets and... sexy girls! Well, two sexy girls - and also you'll be able to attempt to lure some of these. The game embarks with your character (which you can provide a title and attributes at the start ) arrives in the unusual building. You'll find three doors and it is up to you to choose which to enter. Behind a door there'll be sexy blond (who would rather use dark swimsuits). Behind another door you'll discover sexy dark-haired (who loves to provide home tours to all fresh customers ). Underneath the thrid doorway there'll be... a puzzle and you may also attempt to resolve it should you dare to conclude the game. And to do so you'll have to talk to girls, visit different regions of the mansion and also of course to have lovemaking with your fresh friends!

(+18) Into the Forest Ch.4

23 June 19

This is already 4th chapter from game series titled as"Into The Forest" so if you have not played previous games then you should visit author's website to enjoy them first (and probably on the moment when you reading this 5th is also ready so you should check it anyway). Here our heroes will get closer to not only exposing the main secret of mysterious mansion but may be even to solve some of them... but are they ready for something like that? Play the game and you will see. Ofcoruse there will be some adult scenes like were in previous parts of the story but when you will figure out some critical moments of the story you might look at them from another angle this time. Or may be thsi is just your imagination? There is only one way to find out!

The Fate of Irnia 0.41(Updated)

26 June 19

A fantasy adventure with erotica for lovers of exciting stories - the perfect pastime for everyone. The main character is a guy who lost his father and was left with his mother and sister. Now he has to help them in their difficult journey through life. The gameplay combines an interesting adventure game with elements of sexual content. You will explore the world, ask questions, solve puzzles, collect items and make important choices that will help the hero in his story. In addition, players will be able to enjoy an abundance of sexual content and get original fun from the game.

Old Voyeur Hostel .03

4 January 21

Your uncle is old and grumpy yet even old and grumpy people require help sometimes. Especially if they are running a hostel all by themselves during the season when many and many students are coming to town. By some unbelievable coincednce all the stayers at your uncle's hostel are attractive ladies so helping him is going to be way more fun than you could have ever expected!

Dark Neighborhood

30 March 23

Mysterious supernatural entity is cralwing through the night streets of sleepy small town in search for food- it feeds on sexual energyand there is barely any better place to get it than the kinky dreams of lonely housewives. And the only thing that can turn this late supper into a true feast is to find the way to make all these erotic dreams into some actual fucking!

Lily's Curse

2 May 23

The begining of this visual novel is actually pretty classic for these days - you play as a guy who lives with his stepmom and stepsister. They are not yoru blood relatives which clearly expands the range of foolish things that you can do around the house. But don't forget that besides that you still need to figure out what happened with your dad and this is where the story becomes not so average...

Hunger for Chaos

6 May 23

Your father is eventually diagnosed with cancer and needs costly treatment after your mother passes away in the same auto accident that leaves you emotionally and physically scarred. You drop out of high school and labor at several jobs for years in an attempt to save your sole parent, but by the time you receive the rest, your father will have passed away and been buried.

The Genesis Order v2121

10 May 23

You are playing as a detective so there is nothing better for you than to solve another one mysterious crime. Well, maby only to solve mysterious crime and to save hot looking lady in the process. Yet what you should know is that this is only the beginning of our story and your troubles - this lady was required for some secret cult which is spreading it's influence over the city through some sex-virus. And yes, you seem to be the last man who is capabale to stop them. Somehow.

Red Island

11 May 23

Sex and politics have always been intertwined, with scandals and affairs usually making headlines in the political world. However, a new game is taking this connection to a whole new level. 'Revolutionary Desires 'is a dynamic and narrative-driven sex game experience where players take on the roles of key figures in a revolutionary government. Their objective is to navigate the challenges and crises faced by the regime while striving to bring about their desired changes in society.


13 June 23

A guy loses his better half too early and probably it would left a big emptiness in his life if he was not working at the very special place - the place where many kinds of paranormal researches and experiments are made. Could he use his rich experience, the most advanced technologies and the help of his collegues (also sexy looking btw) to see his beloved better half once again? Play the game to find out!

The Blackout

29 August 23

The story begins in the way that lets you to understand - this game is going to play some tricky mysteries with your mind... after which you wake up in nice hospital room being surrounded by carying nurses, doctors and some relatives. What they all have in common is that they are all sweet and attractive ladies which means that no matter what kind of mystery you are supposed to solve here you will be doing it within the most pleasing company!

Chronicles Of Dominion

27 July 23

In this mix of rpg and text-adventure you will try on yourself what it means to be the creator of the most superb thing ever - the time machine! Just visualize all the things that you can do with it! But as we also know there is no use to change the global continuum of time so insetad you are going to solve some of your persoanl (and we would even say 'private ') moments. Like banging your hot looking colleague named Olivia for example.

Tits n Shadows

8 July 23

This story begins with main hero is... dead. Yep, he is dead and already buried! But how it could be the beginning of the story then? Well, on the 'other side 'he finds some hot looking kind of angels who send him back with a wonderful mission - to defeat the demonic queen Putana who is threatening all of the worlds. During this important quest you will find a lot of help and mostly it will be coming from sweet and sexy ladies: from paladin-wanna-be Becky and vengeful mercenary Lisa to wendigo cursed Wendy and even Cherry the Slime Queen!

Strange Nights

1 July 23

This game allows yot to take a look at the events of "Life is strange" from a completely different point of view. During the day you are Mark Jefferson and you work as a photography teacher at Blackwell Academy. Durng the night you are Mike Jefferson - the possessor of magical powers which you are revealing and training to use in more strange and more exciting ways! But which of these personalites is true and which is just a mere fantasy? Are you going insane or is magic really exist?

Bright Past

12 October 23

You are Alex Nash. You live in Pastville - a place which some would consider to be quiet and calm yet some (just like yourself) would say it is simply boring... or is it? You have always had an idea of becoming a journalyst and the fate itself seems to be pushing you in this direction since each new discovery makes you to wonder of how little do you know about this town and the people who live here! Dark secrets, creepy secrets, kinky secrets - quiet places always have plenty of them!

Time for You

12 December 23

In this interactive story you will try yourself as sort of homemade detective while trying to solve the mysterious disappearance of your grandparents which has happened15 years ago. But finding clues and interrogating people who might have something to do with it is only part of the game which also combines elements of quest, dating simulator and erotic content for adults only!

Alternate Existence

5 January 24

The main character of this story barely can be called as lucky one. Instead of having good memories about his parents he has lots of bad memroeis about foster families. Now he works at some shitty diner as the most low-rank waiter (if there are any ranks for waiters at all). Yet on the other side he keeps quite fun and interetsing company - from various co-workers and up to pretty strange clients...


8 January 24

In Evermore, your character seems to have a very tragic life. First, your parents were murdered when you were only four years old, then each and all families you live with also end up dying in some tragic way. Everyone thinks you are cursed. But finally good news! You get adopted by Natalie, a single mom with three other kids. Now you have a happy home at last. Or so you think until you are out shopping and find out you have some weird power and have no idea why or how or what you will do about it. So, your character moves to a place called Walton with their family and wants to hide their power. You have to decide if he uses it and gets powerful or if he's crushed by a mystic gang or secret society. Gather allies, seduce women and live your life to find out if you survive or not.


7 February 24

You are playing as an average student who tries to settle his life. Re-connecting with a childhood close friend named Darci was supposed to make it easier... but it didnt. Actually it made the things quite the contrary - the relations between you and the people you know get more and more complicated as more and more of dark secrets of the past come up. So now you you will need not only to seduce the gal you like but also to solve the mysterious murder of your father!

Featuring Detective

8 February 24

There is a girl named Claire who doesn't like her own birthdays. Why? Because something very bad happens each time on he rbirthday since she hes hit her legal age. But is it only unfortunate coincesdences or is there some mysterious evil plan in motion? This is what Claire is going to find out using her sharp mind and certain detective skills. Will you help Claire to solve this case and fix her life?