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Slugger's Boobie Christmas

29 November 22

Slugger's is glad - it is Xmas seaon once again! And when Slugger is glad he wants to sing about what he loves the most in the whole world - huge round orbs! And vags, and butts, and... well, you got the idea. And ofocurse he will be very glad if you will make him a organization and sing this song with him because if you still did not get it this game is truly a karaoke song game! And in case you still have not decide are you ready to take part ina ll this or not there is one mor ething for you - as the song will go Slugger will demonstrate you a lot of awesome pictures and photos which will be depicting all what is mentioned in the song at the moment. Which menas orbs, and vags, and butts, and... well, you got the idea! Just don't forget to share this xmas joy with your buddies!

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