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Poker Train

30 November 22

What will you get if you will mix together poker rules, logic puzzle and the gameplay which will require you to think fast and to act even faster? Oh, and don't forget about hot and very sweet looking blonde model who will be either entertaining or distracting you in the process! The answer is simple - you will get "Poker Train"! In this minigame you will be dealing with the unstoppable train which will be collecting all the cards that will happen to be in it's way and your job will be to build the route on which these cards will form a proper poker card combination! Depending on how strong this combination will be you will get some prize money and once you will get enough of them you can pay the blonde dancer to turn her into blonde stripper!

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4 mìnùs 6 mìnüs (10 mûltìρlÿ bÿ 3)   =

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