18 con quest pok con part 1 teaser

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18+ Con-Quest! Poké-con Part 1(Teaser)

9 October 18

It was designed to be a day filled with fun and happiness for all the aficionados of pokemons and cosplay yet it was ruined in one moment when an ancient witch decided to put everyone at the convention into her subs and use the event as a beginning point for taking over the world. Luckily for the rest of the world there are still powers whose job is to prevent such things from happening and one of them is the magical order which you and your partner are going to represent in this battle. Arrive at the place and explore the halls of convention center, help the ones who needs help and spank the ones who needs spanking... and the fact that you will be fighting against hot looking cosplay chicks is something which you might consider as a bonus of your job!