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King of Porn City: March 2014 update

30 November 22

The game has received a new update. This online game may give you the chance to do something attention-grabbing. You would like to create your own empire of creation. You can make dirty movies, smoke hash, and fuck women. This game offers you the chance to increase your chances of winning. You will return to your little city. You have many goals. One is to rent an enormous garageand the other is to find an hooker. The third goal is to create a moving picture. You have all the equipment you require. Now, you can start shooting your creations on camera. Hire creation actors oryou can fool the whores yourself. You can make more money the more depraved your moving picture script. You can use these to improve certain things in the game. Your goal in the game is to build your own creation empire. You have many options to traumatize your players. You can be a creator man of affairs immediately. It is time to embark on a journey.

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