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Dream Job Week 2 Episode 1

22 May 21

No matter is your job is a dream job or not - you have to visit it every day anyway! Just like you will have to keep playing this game once you started it few gigs back. Ofcourse only if you like playing with hot and real erotic models... So the story goes on and today you have anew task from your boss - smoke detector in Emma's room keeps ringing too often lately. So now you wil have to go there, find out the reason and fix the problem if possible. But there won't be a surprise because title screen of the game has already given it away - Emma is smoking in her room! Try to deal with her one way or another by selecting the right dialog options. Choose wrong and it is you might end up fired (what in irony!) - looks like life is not fair even in erotic videogames after all.

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