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Diva mizuki

29 November 22

Diva Mizuki has only recently arrived on planet Earth and she does not really know why everybody goes mad due to the magnitude of her mammories... or might be she knows this happening totally since she's using her curves in order to make any masculine in her way to her faithful ally if she wants to? Since this is what's occurred with the main hero of the story who was only planning to drink a pop when extra-busty sandy-haired has approached him and asked for assistance from repairing her... spaceship! Ofcourse at first that this stud thought this is some sort of dumb prank or joke... yet after she assured him he can play those huge tits of hers after he'll do the task our stud has come to be the spaceship fixing pro ! However, what's going to happen next you'll find out just out of this game...

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