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SuperWoman on a Mission

15 June 18

This game will tell you about one day from Bryan's life. Probably this is the best day of his life... It was a usual morning when Bryan had some time before he should go to the work. So he was used this free time as he always uses his free time - downloaded free porn and begin to masturbate off while watching it! But whta he did not knew is that that he was the one being watched as well. And not by some perv but the Sup[erWoman herself! Looks like she was watching him for over a half of year now... and there was not even one time when she has seen him with agirlfriend! There is no chance in the world Superwoman won't do something about it. Like sharing her confidence power with him. But how? Through a very close physical contact ofcourse! Enjoy simple story and interctive sex scenes and watch Bryan's confidence gets larger with every second!