The Veteran Of Enthusiasm 1st Alpha Instalment V0 8

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The Veteran of Enthusiasm - 1st alpha instalment v0.8

2 October 18

"The Legend of LUST" is quite big and complex project made as the fusion of few quite different genres - from adventure to simulator and from quest to turn-based battles. Ofcourse the major part of the game will be dedicated to sexual relation between all kinds of characters. The overall stary will be telling about the demon named Lust from the second ring of Hell who has certain goal of taking all the other rings under his control. Obviously he is going to achieve that through lies, violence and sex! Team up with some characters to overcome the otehrs and have a lot of sexy funtime to have some rest from the battles - insatiable succubus and souls of human sweethearts will be at your service. Just don't forget to check our website to play the latest updated version of the game.